Dress Like a Pirate Nights!

🏴‍☠️ Avast, me hearties! It’s time to secure your passage & prepare to don your finest pirate garb for our DRESS LIKE A PIRATE nights during “The Pirates of Penzance” performances on April 19, 22, 29, and May 4! 🦜

Calling pint-sized buccaneers and seasoned swashbucklers alike – on these special nights, we’re inviting everyone to dress up as their favorite pirate characters! But wait, there’s more treasure to be had! We have a special treat in store for our young adventurers! All kids who come dressed in pirate attire will receive a free goodie, so embrace your inner pirate and let’s make these nights truly unforgettable! Join us for a night of high-seas hijinks, laughter, and memories to last a lifetime! Arrr you ready? See you there, ye scallywags! 🌊