Watercolor or watercolour, also aquarelle, is a painting method in which the paints are made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. Watercolor refers to both the medium and the resulting artwork. This class will give you the opportunity to explore this exciting medium. You will learn the many applications of watercolor.

Watercolor painting is extremely old, dating perhaps to the cave paintings of paleolithic Europe, and has been used for manuscript illustration since at least Egyptian times but especially in the European Middle Ages. However, its continuous history as an art medium begins with the Renaissance.

The German Northern Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer (1471–1528), who painted several fine botanical, wildlife, and landscape watercolors, is generally considered among the earliest exponents of watercolor. If you examine the past of the watercolor medium, there are deep historical roots tracing back through many cultures and historical traditions.

So, we offer you an entrance into this world of watercolor painting. Come join Ralph Bartholomew and explore the exciting world of watercolor. Mr. Bartholomew is an accomplished watercolorist and has taught watercolor many times. He will bring a true understanding of the medium and be able to share with you his journey with watercolor. He recommends you bring the following to the class:

  1. Watercolor paper or pad, which can be purchased at Artist Corner, Hobby Lobby or Michaels.
  2. Several watercolor brushes
  3. Pencil and eraser.
  4. Watercolors in tablet or tubes, any brand should do.
  5. Inexpensive tray(s) to mix the watercolor in. They are white and plastic.
  6. Drawing board or sheet of foam board to attach sheets of paper.
  7. Spray bottle
  8. Container for water
  9. Masking tape.
  10. Photos for reference or ideas

With these materials you will be able to immerse yourself in the medium and come away with a better understanding and application of watercolor.

Come join us April 28th and May 5th at 10 AM to 1PM at the Art Center and have a great time.

If you pay the day of the class it will cost you $30, but if you pay now, online, it will only cost you $25. We hope you will take advantage of this online discount.