Fundamentals of Art

This is a class that will introduce new artists to the basic elements and principles of art. 4/21, 10 AM to 4 PM at the American Fork Arts Institute, 53 W Main Street. $40. This six hour class will discuss the basic elements and principles of art – Line, Shape, Form, Value, Space, and Texture. Attendees will be presented with information that will give them a solid foundation upon which to build their art. The students will have, as the class goes along, an opportunity to practice their skills based on the information shared. We will serve lunch at the middle of the class and at the end each student will receive a CD with all of the materials discussed and additional articles from noted artists. This class is for people 14 and up.

The Elements & Principles of Art

The elements are like the ingredients and the principles is the actual recipe for cooking. When understanding elements your looking for the quality within the subject not the quality. For example: While critiquing a piece of artwork look for the QUALITY of the lines not how many of them there are.

1. Line- Horizontal, vertical, straight, curved
2. Shape- Geometric, squares and circles, free-form and natural shapes.
3. Form- Cylinders, boxes, pyramids
4. Space- Negative, three dimensional
5. Color- Primary, Tertiary, and complementary
6. Texture- Rough, smooth, soft, hard.
The principles deal with the composition (the arrangements of visual elements:
1. Balance- Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Radial
2. Proportion- The ratio of one art element to another.
3.Emphasis- When one element of artwork stands out more than another.
4.Variety- Using different elements together in a composition.
5.Movement- The visual flow of the artwork.
6.Rhythm- A combination of elements repeated, but with variations.
7.Harmony- Brings together a composition with similar units.

The elements of art are the basic components of art-marking. It is impossible to create a work of art without using at least one of the seven elements of art. In order to be successful in art creation, an artist must be able to intelligently use the elements of art. Artwork can also be analyzed according to the use of the elements in a work of art.

Charles Gilliam is an accomplished artist who has many years of experience utilizing the elements and principles over his fifty plus years as both a professional designer and fine artist. He will share with those who attend the class his wealth of knowledge gained over his many years of experience.

When you attend this class, you will gain a wealth of knowledge about doing art. You will be fed lunch and at the end of the class will receive a CD with the class materials and many articles relating to the elements and principles of art. Bring drawing pencils, some colored pencils and a drawing pad on which to practice some of the information shared with you. This hands-on experience will help you grasp these element and principles.

We look forward to seeing you there on Saturday, April 21st!