NEW! Classes in CREATIVITY & ARTISTIC INTELLIGENCE for adults and youth beginning soon.

Ego Creo Ergo Sum
Traditional creativity concepts and the arts (like our 7 other great programs here at TAF) are combined into an exciting new program called Artistic Intelligence!
If you fall into one of these areas:
- Love all the arts, but can’t figure out which one you want to focus on?
- Want to take your one arts skill (like playing an instrument) and apply those same skills to learning and mastering other fun arts disciplines?
- Just want to be more creative to become better at solving problems or creating the next high-tech (or organic) mousetrap?
- Believe that high creativity and intelligence are possible for most people – like you?
- Have a huge brain big enough to see that the arts and science are woven together like a fine Persian rug – but don’t know how to combine and apply them effectively in your world?
- Want to use your creativity and artistic skills as the powerful coping tools that they are – and apply them to your overall emotional health and intelligence?
- Apply your creativity and artistic intelligence to just improving – or literally blowing the top off – your other learning challenges in school or in life?
Yes, any and all of these are possible. Come join us and become artistically intelligent!
EGO CREO ERGO SUM (I create, therefore I am)

TAF is looking for additional instructors for this program.
We are interested in the following topics and disciplines – at the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels:
- Creativity Concepts
- Brainstorming
- Innovation and Design
- Critical Thinking
- Mind Mapping
- Systems Thinking
- Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain
For more information about teaching with the Creativity & Artistic Intelligence program, please contact Reggie Walker:

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