We will explore the properties of this exciting new medium and learn ways to use the medium and it various elements. With hands-on activities, we will let you grow by using colored pencils. You will learn the various applications of the pencils and the essential materials and tools such as papers, solvents, sharpeners, erasers, as well as complete color ranges for colored pencils.

The instructor is Chuck Gilliam. He was an active member of the Colored Pencil Society of America for many years down in Texas. He has worked in colored pencil for over nine years has shown his work in numerous art shows and competitions and has won many awards for his artwork. He has taught many classes using colored pencils. Chuck is excited about this medium and looks forward to teaching you about this amazing medium.

For this class, you will need a pad of drawing paper, smooth or medium texture and a set of colored pencils. You can purchase these items at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s, or the Artist Corner in Orem if you are in need of materials. We will also have several sets available if you don’t have time to get your own. So, don’t let the fact that you don’t have the proper materials stop you from attending the class. Come on and join us exploring this exciting medium.